I entered state names by first letter into the book, as well as special pages for Canada and Mexico. Now whenever someone says in conversation, “when you are in ______ you MUST visit ______" it goes into the book. If I know this person well enough to know their address, I also add their name to the listing. For example: on the Baja page “ Surf spots K38 and K39, San Miguel (Husong’s bar)- Rick”. This way when I get trundled by the surf at K38 I’ll be reminded whose fault, namely Rick’s, it is. My goal is to visit the places recommended and send a postcard from there to the person who suggested it, or in Rick’s case my medical bill.
Of course if you recommend a place out west, where we will be early on in the trip, your odds of getting a card are higher than say if you suggest the everglades, but who knows I may just come through.
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