Monday, March 22, 2004

Pre-Trip Time Warp. 

Here’s what I didn’t know when we decided to take a year off. The lead up time is painfully slow, and the anticipation is overwhelming.
As of today I still have 81 days until I am unemployed, and thereby 81 days to the unofficial kick off of our yearlong adventure. I started the “countdown” at 150 days and this was apparently a mistake, since it seems to have slowed time to a snail's pace. Days drag on, work DRAGS on, and for the next 5 weeks school will continue to drag on as well. Also some sort of strange pre-trip depression has set in, this is particularly odd for a normally happy girl. Motivation levels for anything not having to do with planning for the trip, have reached an all time low. Daydreaming has reached an all time high.
Never before have I wished days away, but what I wouldn’t give to go to bed tonight and wake up tomorrow to learn that it is June 11th.
So here’s my advice. Don’t plan a departure date- just check your bank account and when it reaches the required balance, leave.

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