July 13, 2005

Beginning of the End.

The beginnings of a plan are starting to take hold. After two weeks in Ohio, we are ready to hit the road again. And where are we heading, you might be asking?? Well it isn’t very original but, we are off for Colorado. Seems home for us lies in the Rocky Mountains and no matter how we try and rationalize it, we love Colorado more than the opportunities that a new place might present. Tomorrow morning we hit the interstate for the 30-hour drive west.

We will be traveling for the remainder of July, then the trip money really has run out and we must settle back into a more conventional lifestyle, for at least a little while. For me this isn’t a sad time, a bit crazy and unsure, but not sad. We have always been very task oriented. We set out to travel for a year and accomplished that goal. What an amazing year it has been. So instead of being sad, this is a celebratory time and I intend to keep that theme throughout my last remaining posts.

Over the course of the next few weeks, it is my intention to reflect upon our trip, perhaps list some mistakes, some triumphs and even a few humorous antidotes that will help to close this chapter and perhaps help one of you begin your own. Who knows, maybe we still have one or two more adventures left to enjoy before we find our new home.

Let me take this opportunity to start thanking those who have helped us along the way, beginning with all of you who read this site. It seems that I failed miserably at being unemployed, so I created a job for myself along the way. Maintaining this site has been so much fun for me. I thank all of you for keeping me motivated and helping to create this lasting record of our journey.

The generosity shown to us by strangers whose acquaintance we made only through emails, has been overwhelming. Over forty people emailed us with offers of free lodging, meals or Pabst Blue Ribbon. Many offered advice, solicited or not, but always read and considered. Some of you taught us things we really needed to know, like how to go clamming, how to repair our fridge, batteries, and heater, where to camp and where to avoid. You even helped us decided where to move.

And in the tradition of Bud Light commercials… We salute you, faceless travel blog reader. You aren’t afraid to correct our spelling and historical errors. You freely offer advice and are willing to wait days or weeks for a reply email. You click the ads and you, faceless blog reader, have helped us to stay on the road and realize our dream. Thank you.


  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Dan and Rachel,

    I love your site and miss ya'll a lot! hope that this is not the end but the beginning of another great adventure for you both.

    Hope that when you arrive "home" you'll stop in for dinner and a few beers- Pinstripe or whatever else!

    Take care
    Mich & Steve

  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Rachel, I am sorry to see this come to an end, for you guys and your readers. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your wonderful photography, since day one. I can tell that you two touch the hearts of all that know you. What a wonderful diary you have of the last year. The memories you have with Dan and the stories you can tell your children in the future will bring years of contentment to both of you. Thanks for letting us be a part of your life.
    Gene Siesky

  3. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Best wishes to you two for whatever comes next. I'm thinking you won't entirely give up RVing after all the fun you've experienced, so when you need a break from winter's cold you will always be welcome to pack up your camper and stay on our lot in Yuma, whether we are there or not! And one of these times, maybe we'll get to meet up in Coos Bay and catch some really big clams!

    Thank you for your online friendship and allowing us to come along on your ride. You did a marvelous job and touched a lot of lives.
    Live happy,
    Claudia & Marc
    Fulltime RVers

  4. Thanks so much for sharing your adventures with everyone during the past year. I've been a reader since the beginning (George referred your website to me). Your photos have been beautiful. Good luck with the next chapter of your life, whatever that may be.

    Margie in TN

  5. Dear Rachel and Dan,

    Wow! To stop traveling is tough! I wonder about that for myself. Traveling is sooooo addicting.

    I will continue to check on your site and hope that will post something about what is going on in your lives from time to time?

    Bye for now,
    George, MsTioga and The Team

  6. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Rachel and Dan,

    Wow I can't believe you are coming to the end. I also found your website from George's site. I have been following your travel since the beginning. Your photography is wonderful. Good luck with your next chapter in life. And keep us posted from time to time.


  7. 酒店經紀 酒店小姐 酒店經紀公司
    台北酒店工作 台北酒店經紀人 酒店兼差 酒店兼職 酒店公關 酒店上班 台北酒店上班 酒店打工 酒店工作內容 酒店pt 台北酒店 便服店 禮服店 酒店 酒店工作 酒店上班時間 酒店上班薪水 酒店上班內容 現領 當日領
    打工兼職 打工兼差 酒店營業時間
    酒店經濟 酒店面試

    酒店經紀 酒店打工 酒店工作 酒店上班 酒店兼差 酒店兼職 打工兼差 打工兼職 台北酒店 酒店應徵 禮服店 酒店 經紀 打工 兼差便服店 台北酒店經紀 酒店薪水 酒店工作內容 酒店時間 酒店經濟 美式餐廳 台北咖啡廳 永康街咖啡廳

  8. 2019.09.17.八大行業酒店快報酒店經紀30歲「竹聯十五份幫」成員酒店工作下班陳男昨晨與酒店經紀友人搭計程車回台北市萬寧街住處,下車時卻遇槍手伏擊,陳男右大腿中1槍,送醫院急救,暫無生命危險,涉嫌開槍的酒店兼職20歲四海幫份子梁男案發1小時後,主動到派出所投案並交槍,警方還在釐清其開槍動機。警方初步調查,涉嫌開槍的梁男是四海幫份子,擔任酒店經紀的陳男是林森北路大型酒店的「酒店打工圍事項目」成員,雙方人馬今年4月間曾在東區1間酒店酒後衝突,事後多次尋仇鬥毆,警方目前積極偵辦中。

  9. 2019.12.05全台知名酒店經紀公司近期正在尋找酒店工作,或有意在公家機關內上班的人請注意,台北市政府依各轄內機關酒店上班人力需求,近期有66個機關釋出150個約聘僱酒店打工人員職缺。但因各酒店兼差需求人力職務、業務不同,因此薪資落差不小。例如北市府資訊局釋出的聘用高級研究員職缺,其月薪依學經歷,最高可達新台幣70000元,但台北市制服店、便服店、禮服店、鋼琴酒吧、日式酒店、飯局、傳播等服務員職缺,月薪僅給70000元。此次北市八大行業約聘僱人員招募自即日起~酒店兼職12月9日(週一)止受理報名,預計12月14日(週六)、12月15日(週日)舉辦甄試。

  10. 2020.02.13 維基百科


    當時網路媒體還不是很盛行,智慧型手機也沒有很普遍。梁曉尊是八大行業裡第一位主張「網路行銷事業」開創人。此時不少資深前輩不看好,理由網路世界不切實際,畢竟虛擬世界可信度不高,缺乏真實性沒有說服力,這番遠見根本是好高騖遠、天方夜譚⋯等等評論!。於是梁曉尊堅持照著自己主張的開始經營Google 搜尋關鍵字先從自己名字創造舞台。可如今Google成為人們生活上必備工具不管是搜尋、查詢、求證、等等各方面⋯都被梁曉尊所預料到。如今Google搜尋:梁曉尊 成為排行榜第一名!

    Google 搜尋:梁曉尊/梁小尊。獲得亞洲地區Google認證關鍵字達到全版面。不僅如此⋯八大行業主要關鍵字(酒店工作)、(酒店上班)、(酒店經紀)、(酒店打工)、(酒店應徵)、(酒店兼差)、(酒店兼職)每組關鍵字都在首頁榮獲前3名。


    梁曉尊發動「台北之變」,事件導致影響北部八大行業酒店小姐薪資價格大翻轉。由於梁曉尊給1節190元,打破市場行情價,同時揭發很多經紀公司黑暗管理酒店小姐的秘密一併揭露出來例如:逼小姐簽合約、老二經紀控制法、毒品控制⋯等等!。於是讓有些操作不人道的黑心經紀公司、小經紀、各人經紀等⋯頓時崩盤甚至無法生存離開八大行業。資深酒店人士指出:圈內對於梁曉尊發動「台北之變」也是藉時讓台北地區八大行業重新洗牌。有些人認為誠實面對這個社會現實就是如此適者生存。因此圈內人士對於此事件又稱為梁曉尊「北梁軍閥」這個名號!名稱來自於 🔍台(北)⋯(梁)曉尊⋯(軍閥:代表一方梟雄的意思)這樣而來的。

  11. 2020.05.04酒店工作因為一名酒店S女公關的確診,造成全台酒店、舞廳無限期停業,收入靠酒客的酒店上班坐檯小姐頓失每月數十萬元的收入,紛紛開始找副業度過難關。據八大行業透露,不少酒店小姐轉行當foodpanda(空腹熊貓)、Uber Eats的外送員,因收入不夠支出,還會再兼職當傳播妹,上月底有酒客到台中市KTV時,找熟識、現在酒店PT失業的酒店小姐外送到包廂坐檯,該酒店打工小姐進包廂時,還穿著熊貓制服,也讓酒客莞爾,小姐致歉兼撒嬌「工作難找啊!」知名八大行業酒店經記梁曉尊說,他旗下有130多個坐檯小姐,這次「被停業」後,小姐急著找副業拚經濟,有人當起超商店員,有人花了兩千多元跟熊貓買了相關的制服、設備,兼差當起美食外送員,還有人變成網拍業者,忙著拿貨,上網拍賣,擔心一個不小心就喝西北風,但也有人乾脆當放長假休息,不過每天都會有小姐打電話詢問「老闆,什麼時候要開工?」。梁小尊說,這次停業對酒店業造成的影響真的很大,他有個小姐是高雄人,年紀才20多歲,2年前才到台中工作,當酒店小姐的收入不錯,每個月都有10幾、20幾萬,今年初才剛買千萬的房產,準備在台中定居當台中人,每月要繳的房貸要5萬多元,現在突然沒工作,只能趕快找兼差,期待政府趕快想開,宣布讓酒店等特種行業復業。酒店經紀梁小尊/梁曉尊說,現在不少酒店的坐檯小姐都轉行當傳播妹,外送到各個知名KTV,因為此次政府宣布停業的是酒店、舞廳跟有男女陪伺的視聽業,一般的KTV不受到影響,不過酒客沒了酒店,還是要喝酒,有包廂的KTV就變成最好的去處。梁曉尊/梁小尊說:上月底才跟朋友去台中市一家KTV唱歌,因為知道認識的酒店小姐沒工作,打電話聯絡小姐到包廂坐檯,小姐出現在包廂時,他跟朋友看到都笑出來,因為小姐已經兼差當起熊貓外送,沒空換上漂亮的禮服就衝到KTV,擔心客人找別的小姐,所以連衣服都不換,趕緊衝到包廂內上工。

  12. 2020.10.28【酒店薪水】【酒店薪資】【酒店賺錢】【酒店收入】
    (錢不是萬能的,但沒有錢萬萬不能) 酒店兼差可以現領
    高薪夢想專案:每週3天班以上【1節190元(時薪1140元)】 【1節200元(時薪1200)】
    下午:3點班、4點班、5點班、6點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
    晚間:7點班、8點班、9點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
    不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因酒店公關酒店小姐酒店出場:酒店小姐 酒店公關要出場接S嗎?
    【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】 (出場)台北市任何一家酒店,單純出場一定要出去。
    註:有床的地方不能去 汽車旅館/飯店,包括私人辦公室!。不用擔心得罪客人,也不用怕被扣錢! 當下可立即離開~ 切記先保護自己。
    酒店小姐出場接S 純屬個人行為。有些人想賺這個錢….但有些酒店小姐認為不需要!
    但是不會有任何人去逼你 為難做自己不喜歡的事。
    我梁曉尊舉個例子 女孩們會覺得更貼切 也比較淺顯易懂的邏輯 :
    八大行業商品是(人),今天(妳)面前站3個人有~ 王陽明 康康 NONO
    (妳)肯定會問 王陽明 可不可以出場接S ?!
    至於王陽明是否同意 決定在於自己~。
