March 21, 2005

Durango, Colorado Again

Due to a bout of employment this last week we have no real posting for today. Dan spent the week hauling spring breakers off of Wolf creek and I sold them sunscreen and obnoxious hats from here in Durango. We did get to enjoy a fantastic day of riding yesterday, Wolf Creek got about 12” which made for yet another one of those epic Wolf Creek powder days. While in Durango we got to visit with our dear friends and Dan’s family who always make it so hard for us to leave this place.

With Dan in Pagosa and me here in Durango, we were seperated for a week. This is the most time we have been apart in nine months. We both survived although our mounting co-dependency is becoming more and more obvious.

Today we leave for Utah for another Warren Miller event and a few days of free skiing. This job makes for much more interesting story telling and photos, so I promise to post later this week/weekend with tales of our Utah antics.

Feel free to drop us an email We love hearing from you all. Cheers and check back soon.


  1. 2019.10.23知名酒店經紀分析顯示,9月酒店工作就業人數為1135萬人,受暑期酒店兼差大學生臨時課業影響,較8月減少7萬人;9月上班族失業轉戰酒店兼職則為43萬人,較8月減少1.4萬人,其中因畢業生陸續找到酒店打工,初次尋職失業者減少6000人,因季節性或臨時性工作結束而失業者也減少6000人。

  2. 2020.06.21酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容林森北路是台灣酒店重要商圈,過去上電視多在社會新聞版,實境節目《我在酒店上班的日子匠紫也可以》邀請脫口秀小天后龍龍,及Lala (蘇心甯)深入不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因林森北路日式酒店及男公關店,不僅酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金從中認識酒店小姐、男公關的工作實際情況,更談起家人間的心酸歷程。Lala進店前跟劇組人員直呼超級緊張,沒想到一進去脫口而出「酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?原來就跟唱KTV狀況差不多」,職場須知 【酒店PT 】現場一次叫4位男公關進房大玩遊戲,一路從烏龜烏龜翹、數字拳開始,一玩之下竟然大獲全勝,讓Lala現場心花怒放,直說第一次玩到這麼嗨。不僅如此,男模們為了逗Lala開心,更現場大跳熱舞起來,輪流面貼面的超近距離接觸,讓Lala現場直接尖叫到想找姐妹淘求救,玩一輪下來後更直呼,有種被捧在手掌心照顧的感覺。脫口秀小天后龍龍為了認識酒店小姐日常,特別情商日式酒店知名媽媽桑席耶娜及藝人夢多分享及訓練,一進門龍龍就先問「小姐賣不賣肉體?」席耶娜立刻嚴肅表示「可以被上的小姐不值錢,現場不准跟客人『喇舌』」,讓龍龍開眼界的表示,原來酒店裡販賣愛情模式的做生意方式太高明了!夢多在這次特別擔任「酒客」,跟龍龍大玩起鹹豬手、擋酒教學,夢多談起酒店,特別提到「早期來台灣,提到酒店時,都被人用異樣眼光來看,但其實在日本,去酒店是一種休閒,不是你們眼中像色狼一樣都是做A的,台日酒店文化真的差很大」,現場更因龍龍的萌呆及反應慢,差點被氣炸,也讓龍龍最後哭著說賺錢真難。
