February 05, 2004

Lessons on traveling North America

When we began planning this trip we had no idea how distinct the borders in North America truly were. We foolishly assumed that since our destinations were all on the same continent that it would be easy to visit these places. Not even NAFTA can help you find a one-size-fits-all plan for cell phones coverage, Internet coverage or insurance. Even our satellite radio dies at the borders.

First obstacle cell phone: I have spent MANY hours surfing and calling for cellular phone coverage and rate plan information; here is what I have learned.

·Nobody offers a reasonably priced plan that considers North America you home area. In other words, no matter how extensive the coverage map looks, you will be charged roaming, and most likely international roaming, for all calls made outside of your home country.

·Solution: get a plan with a company that allows you to change your plan options for free, (it helps if your husband is partial to the comany's spokeswoman). We are getting a plan that gives us 600 minutes for $39.99/ month. This will work well for us while we are in the U.S. This company will allow us to drop down to the base plan when we don’t need all 600 minutes. So when we are in Mexico or Canada, we call and drop the plan to the $19.99/ month 150 minutes level, and use the phone only in emergencies, but we keep our all important voice mail account.

oWhen in Mexico and Canada, we rely on country specific calling cards to check our voice mail every few days, and then email replies or use the cards to telephone friends and family. Our phone will work in many parts of Canada (good for emergencies), but carries about an .85/ minute fee.
oWe are also getting an unlimited data option for our U.S. travels, this is an additional $4.99/ month. (The phone we are getting is a web phone and we can surf limtied web sites from it). Add in picture mail, and our estimated monthly bill will be 49.97 (T-Mobile)
Cost of phone $200.00

For Internet connection we have purchased an aircard (cost around $250.00, but you can find deals from time to time), and T-Mobile's unlimited wireless access plan. This will allow us to surf the net from our laptop anywhere T-Mobile offers service- basically if our cell phone works, the aircard works. In smaller areas and across the borders we will rely on net cafes and libraries. Fee: 29.99/ month. When we are out of the U.S. we can suspend our Internet service and pay only $10/ month.

*Verizon offers a similar service and their connection speed is faster, but the monthly fee is $79.99.

Second obstacle Health Insurance: ahh yes the joys of individual health insurance. Well since this isn’t the most interesting of topics I’ll cut right to the chase:

·We are getting a catastrophic plan that has a high deductible, $5100.00, however it covers all costs at 100% after the deductible, and most importantly for us, it is not an HMO or PPO, so we can see any doctor anywhere. Most other plans that are in this price range are PPO plans and you run into big problems when you are out-of-network, coinsurance goes from 80/20 to 60/40. So unless we could drag our injured bodies back into the U.S. we’d be looking at tons out-of-pocket. Price $1720 for both of us. (Fortis)

oAnother benefit of this plan for us… It is offered through State Farm our auto insurer, and gets us a multiple policy discount on our auto insurance.

·Additionally we are getting a travel insurance plan. This plan costs around $300 it covers the first $10,000 of medical expenses while on “vacation”, read as our entire year. This will reimburse us for the deductible on our health insurance plan. (Travel Guard)

·Health Insurance Total. $2020.00 for the year.

Third Obstacle Auto Insurance: yawn, I know. The reason this is problematic for us is because our RV is both an auto and an RV. Our policy therefore must cover both. And of course Mexico has it’s own ideas on auto insurance so you have to buy a separate policy for down there.

·If you are going to be in Mexico for more than a few weeks then often the most economical method is to buy a policy for the entire year. In most cases a 3-month policy costs more than a year’s. Some U.S. policies will cover you in Canada, but you’ll need to ask, and obtain a Canadian Ins. Card from you insurance company.

·We can drop our policy down to a very basic collision plan during the months we are in Mexico. This will cut our premiums down to a very reasonable amount for the period of time we are not using it, while allowing us to have uninterrupted coverage. This is very important, since many companies penalize you if you go any period of time without a U.S. policy.

·Costs: Annual full-coverage U.S. plan approximately $1200.00
·Annual full-coverage Mexico plan approximately $350.00

·Auto Insurance Total. $1550.00 for the year.

·Note: auto insurance does not cover the contents of our camper, we must carry renter’s or home owner’s insurance in order to protect our personal belongings.

So sorry to have subjected you all to this, but really if you ever plan a trip similar to ours, you will find this information helpful, i swear.


Anonymous said...

Very good review of cell phone issues.

Anonymous said...

酒店經紀 酒店打工 酒店工作 酒店上班 酒店兼差 酒店兼職 打工兼差

梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...

2020.05.26酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容領檯: 在餐廳從事接待顧客工作,一般通稱領檯之工作人員,所負責的工作不外乎就是1.我在酒店上班的日子在餐廳門口迎接顧客,並引導入座2. 不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因在門口歡送顧客酒店領檯通常的條件一定要比制服酒店公關漂亮,跟酒店公關一樣要坐檯才會有漂亮的收入! 通常客人沒有選到喜歡的酒店公關時,就會考慮點領檯來坐檯。所謂「特種行業」,係指酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金「視聽歌唱業」、「理髮業」、「三溫暖業」、「舞廳業」、「舞場業」、「酒家業」、「酒吧業」及「特種咖啡茶室業」等八種行業,因其略分為八大類,故俗稱「八大行業」,以上酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?八種行業目前回歸由商業登記主管機關管理,其營業範圍職場須知 【酒店PT 】: 1、視聽歌唱業:指提供伴唱視聽設備,供人歌唱之營利事業。夢想在面前,卻少了一筆錢?人生夢想清單想出國、想買房,卻做不到?我們提供妳一個簡單的工作,只要有心,妳也能月入六位數。想脫貧?這次好機會別錯過。薪資超透明 月入10萬不是夢。酒店小姐一定有S嗎?老司機專業勸世文被贊爆八大行業指依「臺北市舞廳舞場酒家酒吧及特種咖啡茶室管理自治條例」管理之舞廳業、舞場業、酒家業、酒吧業、特種咖啡茶室業、視聽歌唱業、理容業及三溫暖業。

梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...

這行會有所犧牲(如睡眠時間 和朋友家人相聚的時間 多少要喝酒 遇到鄰居或國中同學怎麼辦..等等)
消費花錢是妳情我願,但是怎麼讓客人願意花錢在妳身上這才是重點,建議妳反向思考,若妳是消費者一小時要花那麼多錢 妳會去消費嗎?
這種事情不是每天有....但是有可能兩檔以內會出現兩三次...純粹要看公關跟幹部怎麼配合 既可以讓幹部有業績 公關有節數 又不會打死客人!